IMA NSSS By Members for Family Members
I.M.A. N.S.S.S.
The schemes purely designed on brotherhood / sisterhood basis, and try to help the family member (Nominee) of the member on the event of death of member
Total Member: 19,417
Last DFC: ₹ 11,36,520/-

Online DFC Payment System for DFC-29
Take Home Message
- Do not consider IMA NSSS like Scheme as Insurance Scheme.
- It is the scheme of IMA with the moto to help our colleague's family in their crisis.
- As such nobody can go to the family of deceased member and contribute small amount like Rs. 100/- on behalf of all members of IMA.
- So it is the Noble Cause and our duty to join the scheme for helping to deceased members family.
- IMA NSSS collects on behalf of members and try to help the deceased family by giving Approximately Rs. 11.38 Lacs till 31st Dec 2023.
Membership Benefits

1. On event of death ( by any cause ), rest of the members contribute a token share of Rs. 100-00, from which Rs. 70-00 is passed on to the nominee.
2. After 25 years of continuous membership, the member has not to contribute the same and the Fraternity Contribution (F.C.) will be paid to the nominee by the scheme.
3. BENEFIT FOR MEMBERS ENROLLED AFTER 19/07/2002: For members enrolled after 19/07/2002, benefit of Fraternity Contribution of the scheme liable after completion of one year of membership of I.M.A. N.S.S.S. However nominee of member be entitled for such benefits if death of member occurs in accident event within one year of joining the scheme.
Contact for Membership
Kindly contact on below email / call to get the membership information
Call us +91-79-26585430
2.30 PM-6.00 PM - Mon to Sat


Last DFC Paid

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